This is a multiplayer team deathmatch 3d, there are 3 maps and 4 types of game modes so you can change what you want to play, 8 players can play this game at the same time. Hope this game makes fun if you are happy with this game you can also donate. thanks🙏


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Why not show the gun? And the server is not even connected.

(1 edit)

Thank you Brother for comment,  can fix this using given step👇

Note: It is under construction. Bug, glitch, will be fixed soon.

  • Just change the server to In-chennai
  • switch FPSto TPSusing keyboard "P" key.
  • you can change gun using 1,2,3,4 button and also work on scroll the mouse wheel
  • hide or see curser using "ESC" Key.
  • You can also chat with your friends . Note: Need to join same server.